Torgarak Reference

Reference Sheet

Art by CedarWolf.


Full Name: Torgarak Greatfury
Pronunciation: TOR-guh-rak grayt-FYOOR-ee
Pronunciation (IPA): /ˈtɔːr.ɡə.rʌk ˌɡreɪtˈfjʊr.i/
Species: Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)
Gender: Male
Can shapeshift between bipedal and quadrupedal forms.Quadrupedal Form
Length from nose to tail tip: 10′ 5″ (3.18 m)
Tail length: about half of the body length
Bipedal Form
Height: 7′ 8″ (2.34 m)
Physical Description
He is a natural-looking tiger that has:
• brownish orange and white fur,
• distinctive, almost black, dark brown stripes,
• yellow irises with round pupils,
• white spots on the backs of his ears, and
• white, retractable claws.

Reference Portrait

Art by CedarWolf.

Character © Art © CedarWolf.


1. The stripes above the eyes become 3 stripes like this (one teardrop-shaped and 2 stripes).

For clarity:

2. Redesign the facial markings so they look more natural, with more white fur, and with the stripes having more varying shapes and more varying thickness with thinner stripes near the eyes and thicker stripes in the cheek fluff. Tiger photographs may be used for reference. The initial design choice was some specific stripe shapes to "make it more unique" but I don't think that's a good idea anymore.

Areas highlighted above in blue for clarity.

3. Shorten the name Torgarak Greatfury to just Torgarak in the ref sheet.